So I didn't join the legions to the latest LCD Soundsystem record, This is Happening, when it was released in May. I just didn't get around to it. But then I saw the crazy, Clockwork Orange-like video for "Drunk Girls" and I was hooked.
If you've read about this record, you've probably read great things. It's been universally praised, praise that I think is well deserved. The album's 9 tracks bubble and bounce through indie guitar rock ("All I Want") and electro-key jams ("Can Change") in an inspired post punk stew. There's a lot of late '70s sounds here that often recall Eno and Bowie. But all with an unmistakable, contemporary studio polish.
But James Murphy, the man behind LCD Sound system doesn't sound dated or dead. The record is not brilliant for its invention, but it's really good on crafting enjoyable, hooky songs, most of which play with lengths well beyond the 6-minute mark. "Drunk Girls" was probably picked as the single because it's the only track less than 5 minutes long.
So yeah, no point on wasting a lot of words here. This is Happening is definitely belongs on your iPod if not your CD rack. (Does anyone own those anymore?)
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